Batman arkham knight update details
Batman arkham knight update details

batman arkham knight update details

The Arkham Knight was able to monitor the actions of Batman and everyone else involved with Arkham City. He even trained some in martial arts and the weaknesses of Batman's Batsuit.


Jason trained them, taught them Batman's tricks, and how to adapt. Jason then assembled his own private militia made up of soldiers, drone tanks, and helicopters. Jason continued searching for a way to truly kill Batman. Jason was in the asylum before Deathstroke helped him with his escape. All he could think from that point was that Batman had to die. After he believed that Batman would never kill the Joker willingly, despite the fact that he had murdered too many people, and feeling both abandoned and replaced with another Robin by Batman, Jason broke psychologically. Jason regained consciousness, badly wounded, and snapped. Jason survived the shot because his body armor protected him from the bullet. Joker, thinking that Jason was dead, looked at his body, mocked him, and then left Jason's body to rot, never to return. The video was sent to Batman who presumed that Jason was dead after he saw him get shot. When Joker recorded an interview with Jason showing that he had broken him (with Todd going so far as to almost reveal Batman's secret identity), Joker then shot him in the chest and stated that he didn't like "tattletales". Meanwhile, Joker was successful in breaking Jason, and finally convinced him that Batman was the enemy. Joker continued to do inhumane things to Jason for over a year, and during this time, Batman continued desperately searching for him but with no success, he eventually gave up.

batman arkham knight update details

Those included showing Jason a photo of Tim Drake as Robin six months later, beating him with a crowbar, and branding his face with a branding iron shaped like the letter "J." Jason was held captive by Joker who kept him alive, and tortured him both physically and psychologically through the many "games" that he came up with. Jason put up a fight but was overwhelmed, beaten, and knocked unconscious. As Jason entered into the area, he was instantly trapped by Joker's Henchmen. Jason turned off his com link and tracer and tracked Joker to an underground abandoned wing of Arkham Asylum. One day, according to a City Story, it was heavily implied that Joker blew up a school house of children and that was the moment that Jason decided Joker needed to die. Jason had always possessed an explosive temper with numerous incidents of him going too far in his actions as Robin, despite his natural talents and aptitude under Batman's guidance, with hints in his behavior that he might one day kill instead of using restraint. He was thought to have been killed by the Joker. The Arkham Knight was originally Jason Todd, the second person to take the mantle of Robin after Dick Grayson and before Tim Drake. Incident Reports Before Arkham Asylum Incident

Batman arkham knight update details